Friday, February 16, 2007

A great cook

My mother was too busy to go back cook on time. So she made me cook today. Then I started to cook. First, I cooked the rice. Next, I needed to cook the fish and chicken. Finally, I cooked the last one, it is vegetable. When we finished dinner, they all said that I was a great cook. I was so happy that I could cook the whole dinner by myself.

I meet a new friend

Today I met a new friend. I was walking to school, and he was walking behind me. At that time, I dropped my key, but I did not know that. Then he saw that and picked it up. He came to talk to me and give back the key to me. He is so nice. When we got to class, the class had not begun yet. Then I met a good friend.

Interesting outing

Today I woke up early. When I went to school, I saw a white paper on the classroom door. It said that my writing two’s teacher was absent today. Therefore, I went to zoo with my brothers, and helped them to finish their report. When we arrived, we walked through the zoo, and wrote down all the plants and animals what we could see at lunchtime. To our joy, we not only learned something new, and also enjoyed ourselves very much. I hope I will have another chance to go out for a more interesting outing.

I lost my wallet

I went to Chinatown to have lunch with my friend after school. But when I went home I found I lost my wallet. My license, ID and some money all in the wallet, so I had to find it. But I did not know where I lost it. I found so many places where I went. At last, I went back to where I had lunch. There people are so nice. They picked up my wallet and kept it. When I told them that I lost my wallet, they saw the ID and made sure it is my. Then they gave back to me. They are so nice.

The boring day

Today was nothing happening. It was so boring. I just went to school and came back home to play computer games. I played games until my mother came back. Then I helped her cook. My mother bought a chicken and some vegetables. So I tried to cook the chicken. At last, j found cook is not an easy job. So I don’t need to say you must know what happened to the chicken.

To take care the baby is not a easy thing

I did not have class in day. So I wanted to sleep until 12a.m. however, I could not do that. because my mother’s friend bring her baby came to my home at 10a.m. they woke up me and said that they had something that I did not know to do, then they left the baby with me at home. Oh my god! I worried that I might be making a mistake with the baby. I put the baby at my bed and gave him some toys to play. Then I went to do my homework. When I was doing my homework, I heard the baby cried. I did not know how to do. So I put away my homework and picked him up. Then I played with him. After 3 hours, my mother and her friend came back and took the baby to home. After this time, I know to take care the baby is not an easy thing.

The happy day

I was so tired, but I was happy and cheerful today. I finished my all homework already. Then I went to my cousin’s home and helped him to fix the car. My cousin’s house is so beautiful and quiet. I like it very much. When we fixed the car, we went to BBQ. The foods were very daintiness. I ate too much food. When I came back, it was so dark.

jounal 1

Today was sunny. I went to school at 10a.m. I was so happy today, because I met some new friends. They are all from my math class. We are interested in math. Then we went to Chinatown have lunch and talk about math after school. Today I had so much homework, I had to go home when I finished lunch. When I came home, I got a message, it told me that my cousin did not need to work and they had a party. So I went to the party with them. The party lasted from 12 o’clock to night.

Friday, February 9, 2007

How to cleaning your house after a party

Cleaning your house after a party is not fun, but it is easier if you do it step by step. First, you should clean up all the garbages. Next, pick up all useful things. There can be telephones, lamps, books, dishes, toys, clothes and pictures. Then clean everything well and put them back. Third, fix the clock and picture. Fourth, move the table, chair and sofa well. Finally, wash the floor and put back the mat. Then your house will be nice.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

My mother

My mother comes from China. She is a good mother and a great cook. I am happy to eat her cooking everyday. She always takes care of us carefully. I remember that when I was six-years-old. She persuaded me to bring the umbrella to school. And then it was rainning after school. In my class, I was the only one who had an umbrella. My classmates said that I was so lucky. However, I did not think I was lucky, because it was all about my mother. She always gave me the best. She expects me to get a best life. She came to U.S.with my family 2 years ago, but she and my father do not speak English. So I have to study hard. I want to take care of them forever. I love them so much.

My classmate

My classmate comes from China. His name is Andy Zhang. He is single now and he lives with his family. He has been here for 2 years. He has been studying English for 1 year. This semester is his second semester. He likes to play basketball. He always plays basketball afetr school and on weekends. He wants to learn more English and he plans to find a good job when he finishes school. I am happy to have Andy as my classmate. I think we will become good friends.