Friday, February 16, 2007

To take care the baby is not a easy thing

I did not have class in day. So I wanted to sleep until 12a.m. however, I could not do that. because my mother’s friend bring her baby came to my home at 10a.m. they woke up me and said that they had something that I did not know to do, then they left the baby with me at home. Oh my god! I worried that I might be making a mistake with the baby. I put the baby at my bed and gave him some toys to play. Then I went to do my homework. When I was doing my homework, I heard the baby cried. I did not know how to do. So I put away my homework and picked him up. Then I played with him. After 3 hours, my mother and her friend came back and took the baby to home. After this time, I know to take care the baby is not an easy thing.

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